49th Annual
TFMC All State Festival
Registration is NOW CLOSED
At this time, we are only able to accept
personal checks from teachers for payment.
Click on this link to open:
April 10: Registration Closed
April 10: Deadline for Registration Fee Payments
May 1: Video Submission Deadline
(please submit video with Registration, if possible)
Festival Rules, Fees and Information
are located under the "READ ME FIRST" button
on the right side of this page.
We are including Music Theory as an event this year.
Vocal Music Theater Musically Advanced I, II, III
will be included in our Monetary Awards this year.
Each potential Monetary Award group must have at least
three performing entries to qualify for an award.
eligible to
Eligible students reside in Texas, are Junior members of TFMC, study with a TFMC member, and have not yet graduated high school. They must have participated in District/Local TFMC Festivals and achieved Superior Ratings on their performances. They have spent months learning, practicing, and perfecting the challenging repertoire that they (and their teachers) selected for festival events. These students have worked hard to earn the right to compete in the TFMC All State Festival, a prestigious year-end event that allows them to showcase their musical achievement.

All State Recital Hall - TSU
All State Festival 2024
We endeavored to return to a live event this year, however, many universities are no longer hosting outside events, as you may be aware.
Therefore, the 2024 TFMC All State Festival will remain a Virtual Event in order to continue to provide this competitive opportunity for TFMC Junior members.
This event has become an important goal post in their music studies. Junior members always look forward to this annual event!

All selections entered must be the SAME selections performed at the local/district NFMC festival which qualified the student to attend this state-wide event. Entrants shall play ONLY the required piece as performed at the local festival and as listed in the current Federation Festivals Bulletin published by NFMC.
Past Monetary
Award Winners
Payment Method: We can no longer accept Zelle as a payment method.
At this time, however, we accept personal checks from teachers for fee payments.
Make Checks payable to:
Mail to:
Cathy Neidert
TFMC Festivals
PO Box 2313
Wylie, TX 75098
If you have questions, please email the Festival Chair at gdert9@gmail.com
Monetary awards will be presented each year as funds are available. A minimum of three entries is required in any of these Monetary Award events in order for awards to be funded for that event. The following events are eligible:
Piano Solo: MA2, MA1, VD2, VD1, D2, D1
Piano Concerto: SR, JR3
Organ Solo MA2, MA1
Vocal Art Song Solo MA3, MA2, MA1
Vocal Musical Theater Solo MA1, MA2, MA3
Violin Solo ADV2, ADV1
Violin Concerto SR, JR3
Viola Solo ADV2, ADV1
Viola Concerto SR
Cello Solo ADV2, ADV1
Cello Concerto SR
String Bass Solo ADV
Harp Solo ADV Harp Concerto
Classical Guitar Solo ADV Classical Guitar Concerto